Our 2025 pledge campaign theme is Courageous Discipleship.

Make a 2025 Pledge


A pledge of any amount gives community to St. Paul’s and provides vitality to the ministry and mission of God’s work in this world. To make a 2025 pledge of support to the parish’s overall budget, use the online pledge form above.

If you have any questions, contact the Rector at wall@stpauls-kst.com or the Treasurer at treasurer@stpauls-kst.com.

Thank you for giving! Please see the 2025 Stewardship Letter below.

Dear Friend:

As we begin this year’s Annual Pledge Campaign, we first thank you for your on-going, generous support of St Paul’s. Our church continues to live deeply into our unique call as a downtown Anglo-Catholic parish with a big vision of liturgy and music, on the back of a tiny staff team and without the support of a large endowment. We rely on the faithful sharing of the time, talent, and treasure of parishioners.

This year’s campaign carries special challenge and urgency. It follows our successful Capital Campaign, in which we strive to be faithful stewards of our physical plant by addressing long delayed and critical deferred maintenance. Parishioners’ sacrificial generosity in contributing to the Capital Campaign is making possible essential work to our HVAC, kitchen and parish hall. However, the capital projects made possible by the Capital Campaign are entirely separate from the needs of our annual operating budget.

The Annual Pledge Campaign provides the essential funding for our annual budget. The urgency in this year’s campaign comes as we plan a 2025 budget after years of price inflation and still with no prospect of income from Carwithen House given the DC rental market. This has a direct knock-on effect on our staff team, programs, and ministries, and now places a particular significance on the stewardship of each and every parishioner. These are first matters of faith and discipleship. This year’s giving theme, Courageous Discipleship, focuses on the fundamental relationship between following Jesus Christ, and being a good steward. Discipleship is a disposition and posture of gratitude: generously sharing and giving back to God. Specifically, we pray that we sustain and grow our music program; fund a Parish Administrator; and fund additional clergy support. All this is Step One to growing our programs, ministry, and mission, and it all begins and becomes possible via our pledge. We know that words and prayers are not enough: we must act on that faith, in service to God and neighbor, and this Church which Christ founded.

Our parish has maintained our witness for 156 years on the strength of stewardship: generations of people in this place glimpsing at this Altar the Vision Glorious and dedicating their financial resources to this particular witness. We look forward to the future and to sustaining and growing the church that is our spiritual home and family. With your support, we will take our next faithful steps, following the way of Jesus. Included with this mailing is a pledge card for 2025; pledges may also be offered online. If you have any questions or would like to further discuss making a financial pledge please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Fr. Richard Wall & Chris Mixter
Rector & Senior Warden